makandra dev

Looks like ActiveState is trying to market a new Ruby distribution for Enterprises: ActiveRuby Enterprise Edition is designed for businesses...

There are various ways to run external commands from within Ruby, but the most powerful ones are Open3.capture3 and Open3.popen3...

A collection of code snippets which return a boolean value for a regex comparison. regexp.match?(string) # Recommended for Ruby >= 2.4...

Adding a gem means you take over the liability towards the external code. Checklist Based on "To gem, or not...

makandra dev

We have projects that have been developed using many different versions of Ruby. Since we do not want to...

On application servers, gems are usually bundled into the project directory, at a location shared across deployments. This is usually...

deadlock 0x7f8a4160a360: sleep:- (main) - /home/me/.rbenv/versions/1.8.7-p375/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.14.3/lib/bundler/worker.rb:43 deadlock 0x7f8a38c03b08: sleep:- - /home/me/.rbenv/versions/1.8.7-p375/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.14.3/lib/bundler/worker.rb:56 *** longjmp causes uninitialized stack frame ***: /home/me/.rbenv/versions/1.8.7-p375/bin/ruby terminated

There are some inconvenient Gem dependencies. Resolve them by adding/modifying these lines in your Gemfile: gem 'guard-livereload', '>= 2.5.2', require...

TruffleRuby is an experimental Ruby implementation that tries to achieve ~10x performance over MRI. This has been on our radar...

Sometimes huge refactorings or refactoring of core concepts of your application are necessary for being able to meet new requirements...

makandra dev

You may know the double asterisk operator from Ruby snippets like Dir['spec/**/*_spec.rb'] where it expands to an arbitrary...

Ruby's regular expressions can be represented differently. When serializing them, you probably want to use inspect instead of to...

So you're getting an error like this: undefined method `activate_bin_path' for Gem:Module (NoMethodError)

TL;DR: Update the 'net-ssh' gem by adding to your Gemfile: gem 'net-ssh', '=2.9.1' Now run bundle update...

So you're getting this failure when running bundle install on an older project: Your Gemfile.lock is corrupt. The following...

Plot graphs in Ruby WebGraphviz renders in your browser via JavaScript (to store the rendered graph, extract the SVG using...

This card tries to summarize by example the different uses of heredoc. In Ruby << vs. <<- vs. <<~ In Rails strip_heredoc...

You can use three different versions of the regular expression syntax in grep: basic: -G extended: -E(POSIX)

When you're writing specs for ActiveRecord models that use memoization, a simple #reload will not do: it 'updates on...

Yesterday I stumbled across a talk in which the guy mentioned module sub-classing. I was curious what you can...

In order to have monitoring for Sidekiq (like queue sizes, last run of Sidekiq) your application should have a monitoring...

Detect if a gem has been activated A gem is activated if it is either in the current bundle (Gemfile.lock...

We have released a new library Gemika to help test a gem against multiple versions of Ruby, gem dependencies and...