PDFKit converts a web page to a PDF document. It uses a Webkit engine under the hood...
If you want to move an element inside an array, neither JavaScript/ES6+ nor libraries like LoDash offet that natively.
Nearly all jQuery traversal functions ignore elements that are not HTML tags. To work with other type of nodes (like...
Amazing guide how to divide a ball of Javascript spaghetti distinct separate layers (model, view, controller, backend adapter).
Automatically builds gems from Bower packages (currently 1700 gems available). Packaged Javascript files are then automatically available in your asset...
This card describes how to pass an array with multiple element to a JavaScript function, so that the first array...
When you cannot make Selenium trigger events you rely on (e.g. a "change" event when filling in a form field...
An all-in-approach to fix the problem of pending AJAX requests dying in the browser when the server ends...
React.js is a relatively new Javascript templating engine that has two-way-bindings like AngularJS or Batman. The interesting idea...
When you want the table headers to always stay around (e.g. because that table is huuuge), use the code below...
So you have a restangular collection and you want to remove an element from it, after you've successfully deleted...
If you are using Angular and want something like Rails' simple_format which HTML-formats a plain-text input into...
If you want to do JavaScript-style camelization, ActiveSupport's String#camelize method can actually help you out. Simply pass...
If you come across an (older) application that is using Prototype instead of jQuery, you may often see events bound...
Batman is an alternative Javascript MVC with a similar flavor as AngularJS, but a lot less features and geared towards...
If you are trying to inspect timings in JavaScript, you can use console.time and console.timeEnd which will write to your...
Article about implementing authentication (current_user) and authorization (access rights) in AngularJS. Has an surprising amount of practical and understandable...
I had to deal with JavaScript Undefined Error while accessing a specific CKEditor instance to fill in text. Ensure everything...
Ask before leaving an unsaved CKEditor Vanilla JavaScript way, but removes any other onbeforeunload handlers: $(function(){ document.body.onbeforeunload = function() { for(editorName...
When you are working with Backbone models and inheritance, at some point you want to overwrite inherited methods but call...
RulersGuides.js is a Javascript library which enables Photoshop-like rulers and guides interface on a web page Also available as...
Crazy hack. Might be useful one day. The code required has since been extracted into a library.
Clever hack to allow user interaction without Javascript (by using radio buttons and selecting on :checked).