Angular directives with isolate scopes have three different variable binding strategies, of which one is =. Example: # HTML # Coffeescript @app.directive 'panel...

Isolate scopes offer three kinds of variable binding. One of them is &, allowing to bind a property of the isolate...

When you're nesting setTimeout(f, 0) calls, your browser will silently increase the delay to 5 milliseconds after the...

We're using Middleman for some static sites like our blog. Despite being very similar to Rails, Middleman does not...

Here is a symbol of an eight note: ♪ Its two-byte hex representation is 0x266A. This card describes how to...

So you downloaded a theme for Chrome a while ago and don't remember which one it is?

makandra dev

...The and tags both come with some non-default behavior that you know from other tags.

The default Google Analytics might not work as expected with your Unpoly app. This is because your app only has...

makandra dev

All new browsers support the new object-fit CSS property. It allows to specify how an element behaves within its...

As you may know, HAML expands data attributes that are given as a hash: %div{ data: { count: 3 } }

makandra dev

IE has a "Compatibility Mode" for old browsers. You can keep IE from offering it (and fix some other things...

makandra dev

Have you ever mistaken one Rails environment for another? The attached helper will help you to never do it again...

to create a Gallery that has a name and has_many :images, which in turn have a...

UI sortable helps reordering items with drag 'n drop. It works quite fine. Proven configuration for sorting table rows

The attached ImageLoader helper will start fetching an image and return an image that is resolved once the image is...

makandra dev

TL;DR If you want to support most browsers, then don't exceed 50 cookies per domain, and don't...

Spreewald gives you the within meta step that will constrain page inspection to a given scope. Unfortunately, this does not...

When building a form with a file select field, you may want to offer your users a live preview before...

Tool to show you which gems are slow to load: ➜ git:(master) ✗ bundle exec bumbler [################################################# ] (49/65) travis-lint...

jQuery's deferred objects behave somewhat like standard promises, but not really. One of many subtle differences is that there...

This card existed before, but was outdated due to browser implementation changes. The information below is validated for the current...

While IE9 does support HTML5 tags, it fails to work until you force HTML5 mode. Here are two ways to...

The attached Coffeescript helper will let you create mouse events: $element = $('div') Trigger.mouseover($element) Trigger.mouseenter($element) Trigger.mousedown($element) Trigger.mouseup($element...

To upload a file via AJAX (e.g. from an ) you need to wrap your params in a FormData object.