Localizing a non-trivial application can be a huge undertaking. This card will give you an overview over the many...

Embedding bitmap images within PDF sometimes results in large files because the bitmaps are not compressed. If you don't...

Say you want to vertically align a div box inside a div container. This is how you do it:

When you add a linear gradient to an element, IE9 removes all border-radius and inset box-shadows. This is...


The result is a .ico file with multiple versions of your logo at different resolutions. Now, depending on the context...

makandra dev

CodeMirror is a JavaScript component that provides a code editor in the browser. When a mode is available for the...


xterm by default uses black text on white background. To change that to something like "light gray on black", do...

Make sure you call the methods in the following order and not vice versa: has_attached_file :image validates_attachment...


Pour color on your Rails console with awesome_print. Turn confusing long strings into formatted output. Have objects and classes...


This article shows how to create a Sass mixin for a colored button. The button's foreground color is dynamically...

makandra dev

This card shows you how to format a card's content using Markdown. We use the Commonmarker interpreter, so here...


The .ova file format is a tar file with a .ovf file inside. tar xvf virtualboximage.ova

You can change the color for text selection via CSS, using the ::selection and ::-moz-selection pseudo-elements.


You want Photoshop to always open files with "full" (100%) zoom and not try to fit them to your screen...

When you print out a HTML pages, all raster images (like PNGs) will appear aliased. This is because a printer...


Note: capistrano_colors was merged into Capistrano starting from v2.13.5. However, this requires Ruby 1.9+. If you cannot upgrade Capistrano...

If you're using Paperclip to store and convert images attached to your models, processing a lot of images will...

The unix command line tool less is a good choice for browsing logfiles. In the standard configuration, though, it does...


List of non-standard CSS attributes that change how the browser resamples scaled images. Only use them if you know...

If you would like to use language specific layout (e.g. background-images) in your applications stylesheets you can achieve this...

makandra dev

If you want to know the exact hits on your website (or whatever logfile you want) for a specific date...


Since version 11.10 Opera provides support for linear gradients using -o-linear-gradient. The syntax is pretty similar to Mozilla...


The colors in Rails log files are helpful when watching them but, since they are ANSI color codes like ^[[4...

The state_machine gem comes with a rake task that lets you generate PNG graphs from any model using state...