When running Selenium features with parallel_tests, some browser-server interaction might take longer than usual and the impatient Capybara...

makandra dev

Build dashboards using ascii/ansi art and javascript

JavaScript objects can have getter and setter functions that are called when a property is read from or written to...

This is a problem when using Selenium with Firefox. We recommend using ChromeDriver for your Selenium tests. This setup allows...


Responsive Lightbox JavaScript that just works. You can use it for single images or a gallery. Animations are optional.

jQuery comes with .animate() that lets you transition some CSS selectors: function floatIn($element) { $element.css({ 'opacity': 0, 'margin-top': 200px...


You can do so much more than console.log(...)! See the attached link for a great breakdown of what the developer...

makandra dev

Databound provides Javascript a simple API to the Ruby on Rails CRUD. Tries to expose a full model CRUD as...

makandra dev

A set of javascript tools for working with files. It offers different kinds of things: A cross-browser JS API...

If you want a class-like construct in JavaScript, you can use the module pattern below. The module pattern gives...

The benefit of the Rails asset pipeline is that it compiles your stylesheets and javascripts to a single file, respectively...

makandra dev

The Rails asset pipeline improves delivery of application assets (javascripts, stylesheets, images, fonts). Here are some basic facts about its...

makandra dev

Clamps (ie. cuts off) an HTML element's content by adding ellipsis to it if the content inside is too...


A very clever hack to parse a structured URL object is to create a element and set its href to...


BubbleTree is a library for interactive visualization of hierarchical data. Originally developed mainly for spending data, the library is now...


Raphaël is a small JavaScript library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web. If you want...

makandra dev

Javascript library for drag'n'drop that seems to have more options than native HTML5 drag'n'drop.

When you need to check a value for presence, don't rely on JavaScript since it considers 0 or "0...

In a JavaScript console, type this: > 9112347935156469760 9112347935156470000 Ooops. And that's not a float! This occurs because JavaScript uses...

JavaScript's NaN ("Not a Number") is hard to compare against. It never equals anything, not even itself:


JavaScript structures that include circular references can't be serialized with a"plain" JSON.stringify. Example: a = { name: 'Groucho' };

This may be hard to find in the docs, but if you want CoffeeScript classes that instantiate their properties from...

makandra dev

Create beautiful Javascript charts with one line of Ruby. Promising chart library for easily rendering charts with Google Charts.

Capybara will fail to find tags that are missing an href attribute. This will probably happen to you every now...