This is not an issue in newer versions of HAML (starting with 5.0.0), as the ugly-option was removed...

There are various ways to run external commands from within Ruby, but the most powerful ones are Open3.capture3 and Open3.popen3...

makandra dev

Line-height and vertical-align are simple CSS properties. So simple that most of us are convinced to fully understand...

There seems to be a nasty bug in Chrome 56 when testing with Selenium and Capybara: Slashes are not written...

We generally use multiple application servers (at least two) and you have to search on all of them if you...

If you use Angular 1.4+ together with Angular Animate, all ng-show, ng-hide, ng-class etc. are animated on...

First find the reference for the entry you want through looking at the stash: $ git stash list stash@{0}: WIP...

A comprehensive introduction to sending HTML emails. Intro: HTML email: Two words that, when combined, brings tears to a developer...

In general, you should not put a block element inside an inline element. So don't do this: text

Building plain text emails with an .erb template doesn't allow you to indent code like you normally do in...

This card tries to summarize by example the different uses of heredoc. In Ruby << vs. <<- vs. <<~ In Rails strip_heredoc...

TL;DR Debugging problems with javascript errors in cucumber tests is sometimes easier in the browser. Run the test, stop...

We used zeroclipboard.js in some of our projects but now we switched to clipboard.js because it does not rely on...

A haml angular 1 template with .thing(class="is-{{:: item.type }}") will be compiled (by haml) to which is not what...

If you are fine with the default console diff most of the time but only sometimes want to use an...

SVG is an acronym for "scalable vector graphics". SVGs should be used whenever an image can be described with vector...

makandra dev

AWstats is build to regularly run on webservers. If you want it to build a report once, here is the...

We have released a new library Gemika to help test a gem against multiple versions of Ruby, gem dependencies and...

You know those helper methods that just render some HTML but look weird because of content_tags all over the...

makandra dev

Promises are the new way™ to express "Do this, and once you're done, do that". In contrast to callbacks...

Angular directives with isolate scopes have three different variable binding strategies, of which one is =. Example: # HTML # Coffeescript @app.directive 'panel...

Isolate scopes offer three kinds of variable binding. One of them is &, allowing to bind a property of the isolate...

We're using Middleman for some static sites like our blog. Despite being very similar to Rails, Middleman does not...

Here is a symbol of an eight note: ♪ Its two-byte hex representation is 0x266A. This card describes how to...