Option 0: Download from the official page (preferred) Open https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/ In Section "Stable" > chromedriver / linux64 > Download ZIP from...
Javascript library for drag'n'drop that seems to have more options than native HTML5 drag'n'drop.
JavaScript structures that include circular references can't be serialized with a"plain" JSON.stringify. Example: a = { name: 'Groucho' };
We will be installing rbenv and ruby-build from our own fork, not from the Ubuntu sources. Installing rbenv
Getting rid of your old LibreOffice Remove your old LibreOffice: sudo apt-get remove libreoffice* You probably also want to...
By default git diff highlights whole lines as changes. To diff on a word-by-word basis you can say...
Great gem to consume RSS feeds. I was missing some features on Ruby's RSS::Parser that I found in...
So you erased a whole day's work? There is hope! The linked article tells how to recover from an...
Run this command to list the authors of the most recent commit of each branch: git for-each-ref --format...
Automagically makes XHR requests work cross-domain by tunneling all communications through an IFRAME on your page.
Provides a value container that guarantees atomic updates to this value in a multi-threaded Ruby program. Originally linked to...
Travis CI is a free continuous integration testing service. However, it is really fragile and will break more than it...
When you tell rbenv to install a Ruby it does not know about, you will get an error message.
If you get this error when you try to resize an OpenStack instance: # nova resize example 23 --poll
All the hidden and not hidden features of Git and GitHub.
Directory of popular Github projects.
Development environment setup Rails Composer Basically a comprehensive Rails Template. Prepares your development environment and lets you select web server...
Using git checkout - you can switch back to the branch you previously worked on. (master) $ git checkout foobar
If you recorded a bad fix for a conflict, you can tell git to forget that bad resolution:
Introducing Trailer from HouseTrip, a simple menu bar app that helps you manage your GitHub pull requests. It’s one...
There seems to be no way to use therubyracer -v '0.11.4' and libv8 -v '' on OS X Mavericks.
We have released Modularity 2. It has many incompatible changes. See below for a script to migrate your applications automatically...
I am using git at several places: at work, at university, and at home. I want an own git user/email...
It's mixins (modules) for Coffeescript classes. Other than most homegrown approaches, this one allows you to keep using super...