Option 0: Download from the official page (preferred) Open https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/ In Section "Stable" > chromedriver / linux64 > Download ZIP from...

makandra dev

Javascript library for drag'n'drop that seems to have more options than native HTML5 drag'n'drop.


JavaScript structures that include circular references can't be serialized with a"plain" JSON.stringify. Example: a = { name: 'Groucho' };

makandra dev

We will be installing rbenv and ruby-build from our own fork, not from the Ubuntu sources. Installing rbenv

Getting rid of your old LibreOffice Remove your old LibreOffice: sudo apt-get remove libreoffice* You probably also want to...

By default git diff highlights whole lines as changes. To diff on a word-by-word basis you can say...

makandra dev

Great gem to consume RSS feeds. I was missing some features on Ruby's RSS::Parser that I found in...

makandra dev

So you erased a whole day's work? There is hope! The linked article tells how to recover from an...

Run this command to list the authors of the most recent commit of each branch: git for-each-ref --format...

makandra dev

Automagically makes XHR requests work cross-domain by tunneling all communications through an IFRAME on your page.


Provides a value container that guarantees atomic updates to this value in a multi-threaded Ruby program. Originally linked to...

Travis CI is a free continuous integration testing service. However, it is really fragile and will break more than it...

When you tell rbenv to install a Ruby it does not know about, you will get an error message.

If you get this error when you try to resize an OpenStack instance: # nova resize example 23 --poll


All the hidden and not hidden features of Git and GitHub.

makandra dev

Directory of popular Github projects.

Development environment setup Rails Composer Basically a comprehensive Rails Template. Prepares your development environment and lets you select web server...

Using git checkout - you can switch back to the branch you previously worked on. (master) $ git checkout foobar


If you recorded a bad fix for a conflict, you can tell git to forget that bad resolution:


Introducing Trailer from HouseTrip, a simple menu bar app that helps you manage your GitHub pull requests. It’s one...


There seems to be no way to use therubyracer -v '0.11.4' and libv8 -v '' on OS X Mavericks.

makandra dev

We have released Modularity 2. It has many incompatible changes. See below for a script to migrate your applications automatically...


I am using git at several places: at work, at university, and at home. I want an own git user/email...

makandra dev

It's mixins (modules) for Coffeescript classes. Other than most homegrown approaches, this one allows you to keep using super...