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Perform HTTP basic authentication in Cucumber (with or without Selenium)

Henning Koch
February 01, 2011Software engineer at makandra GmbH

This card describes a Cucumber step that lets you say:

When I perform basic authentication as "username/password" and I visit the admin area
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The path component ("... the admin area") is parsed through your path_to helper in features/support/paths.rb.


The step definition is part of Spreewald Show snapshot . The step has been tested with multiple versions of Capybara, Rack::Test and Selenium.

Webrat (legacy)

This is a simpler version of the step above:

When /^I perform HTTP authentication as "([^\"]*)\/([^\"]*)"$/ do |email, password|
  basic_auth email, password
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2011-02-01 11:15)