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Use Memoizer instead of ActiveSupport::Memoizable

Henning Koch
July 02, 2012Software engineer at makandra GmbH

ActiveSupport::Memoizable will be removed from Rails and has a lot of strange caveats that will ruin your day.

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Use the Memoizer gem Show snapshot instead. It works in all past and future Railses and has none of the annoying "features" of ActiveSupport::Memoizable. It just does memoization and does it well.

The syntax is similiar also:

class Foo
  include Memoizer
  def bar
  memoize :bar

If you're using Ruby 2.1+, you can write this even shorter:

class Foo
  include Memoizer
  memoize def bar


This is because def returns the method name as a symbol Show snapshot in 2.1+.

Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2012-07-02 20:22)