Cucumber steps to test input fields for equality (with wildcard support)

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Our collection of the most useful Cucumber steps, Spreewald Show snapshot , now supports exact matching of form fields and lets you use wildcards.


And the "Money" field should contain "134"
# -> Only is green if that field contains the exact string "134", neither "134,50" nor "1000134"

And the "Name" field should contain "*Peter*"
# -> Accepts if the field contains "Peter" or "Anton Peter" or "Peter Schödl" etc.

And the "Comment" field should contain "Dear*bye"
# -> Accepts if the field contains "Dearbye" or
"Dear Anton,
I received your letter.

And the "Greeting" field should contain "*"
# -> matches anything
Henning Koch
Last edit
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2010-12-29 16:58)