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RSpec matcher to check if two numbers are the same

Henning Koch
December 13, 2010Software engineer at makandra GmbH

You can usually just use the eq matched to compare two numbers:

expect( eq(120)
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If the actual value is a BigDecimal, you might have issues when you match it against a Float:

expect(deal.total_price).to eq(1200.99)

In these cases, try matching it against another BigDecimal:

expect(deal.total_price).to eq BigDecimal(1200.99)

If you don't like the syntax, our rspec_candy Show snapshot gem has a matcher that will compare Fixnums (integers), Floats and BigDecimals with each other:

expect(deal.total_price).to be_same_number_as(1200.99)

This compares the numbers' #to_s representation.

Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2010-12-13 23:33)