Browser Standards progress: CSS filter property

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Some progress was made by browsers on implementing CSS filters Show snapshot like blur, greyscale or some other effects. You might already know the legacy CSS filter attribute that old IE versions used to perform DirectX transformations. Luckily these legacy filters are removed in IE10 Show snapshot . The good news is, newest WebKit-based browsers like Chrome (18.0+) Safari and Mozilla Firefox experimentally support the CSS-filter attribute Show snapshot with a vendor prefix. Furthermore the syntax lets you also link to SVG filters that can be applied to your DOM elements.

Last but not least I would like to give you a syntax example (for simplicity without vendor prefixes):

div { filter: grayscale(100%) sepia(100%); }
Ulrich Berkmüller
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Posted by Ulrich Berkmüller to makandra dev (2012-06-05 06:13)