Linux: How to add a task bar to VNC displays

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If you are using VNC to run Selenium tests, it may be hard to see what's going on since by default there is no list of open windows and Alt+Tab won't work.

Solving that is easy:

  1. Install a panel of your choice (like lxpanel) which offers task switching:

    sudo apt-get install lxpanel

    (You can't use gnome-panel because it won't start twice -- but lxpanel does a good job)

  2. To have that panel appear on VNC screens by default, edit ~/.vnc/xstartup and add an entry to start it, at the end of the file. For example:

    lxpanel & 
  3. (Re)start your VNC session.

Arne Hartherz
Last edit
Arne Hartherz
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2012-06-04 13:07)