no passenger served applications running error when deploying via capistrano

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When deploying with capistrano it's possible you get this "error" message:

*** [err ::] There are no Phusion Passenger-served applications running whose paths begin with '/var/www/'.
*** [err ::] 

This is just because there were no running passenger process for this application on the server which could be restarted. It's not a real error. The application process will start if the first request for this app hits the appserver.

The output appears as err because it's printed to stderr.

Deploy is aborted due to this error

If your deploy is aborted due to this error, the configuration option --ignore-app-not-running is not set. We recommend using capistrano-passenger Show snapshot which has this option set as default. See How to let passenger restart after deployment with capistrano.

The option --ignore-app-not-running prevents that an error code is returned on the restart but the output on stderr is preserved.

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Deleted user #4309
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Posted to makandra dev (2019-05-29 11:23)