Know your Haml comments

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There are two distinct ways of commenting Haml markup: HTML and Ruby.

HTML comments

This will create an HTML comment that will be sent to the client (aka browser):

/= link_to 'Example', ''

This produces the following HTML:

<!-- = link_to 'Example', '' -->

Only use this variant if you need the comment to appear in the HTML.

Ruby comments

This will comment code so it will not be sent to the client:

-# = link_to 'foo'

99% of the time you'll be adding notes for other developers, or disabling code sections that should not be sent to the client.

Prefer using -# (which is actually: - "start a Ruby block" + # "Ruby comment").


This type of comments needs to be indented properly. If you get a syntax error (sometimes a very unhelpful one, echoing the whole file without giving a specific line number), don't forget to check the comments.

Arne Hartherz
Last edit
Henning Koch
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2010-09-08 19:02)