Markdown/Commonmarker examples

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This card shows you how to format a card's content using Markdown Show snapshot . We use the Commonmarker Show snapshot interpreter, so here are examples for its dialect.








> Quoted text

Quoted text

Here is [a link](

Here is a link Show snapshot .

![An image; this is the alt text](

An image; this is the alt text

Line breaks

A line break in the code
results in a line break.
Add a new line for a paragraph.

A line break in the code
results in a line break.

Add a new line for a paragraph.


Underline headlines with an equals sign or dash -- or start a line with a hash symbol:

Hello World
Lorem ipsum...

Hello Universe
Lorem ipsum...

# Hello Alice
Lorem ipsum...

Hello World

Lorem ipsum...

Hello Universe

Lorem ipsum...

Hello Alice

Lorem ipsum...

Horizontal rules

Just draw a line with dashes. Make sure to have a blank line above it so it's not interpreted as a headline.

Here is some text.


Text below the horizontal rule.

Here is some text.

Text below the horizontal rule.


Indent text by 4 spaces. This way it is recognized as code.

    def foo
def foo

You can also create code blocks GitHub-style:

def foo
def foo


* Bullet list item 1
* Bullet list item 2
  • Bullet list item 1
  • Bullet list item 2

You can also use + or - instead of *.

1. Numbered list item
2. Numbered list item
42. You don't need to number properly
  1. Numbered list item
  2. Numbered list item
  3. You don't need to number properly

(Mind 42 not being used; counting happens automatically)


You can of course combine this. It becomes a bit tricky when you're using lists, but it's not that hard. Just make sure you indent properly (2 spaces for bullet/definition lists, 3 spaces for numbered lists [since you have number + dot + space]).

* This is a list
  * Sub item 1
  * Sub item 2

* Next list item. We can also nest code:

      def foo

  ... and continue writing. This still is part of the list item.

  • This is a list

    • Sub item 1
    • Sub item 2
  • Next list item. We can also nest code:

    def foo

    ... and continue writing. This still is part of the list item.

Arne Hartherz
Last edit
Niklas Hasselmeyer
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2012-02-28 17:23)