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We now have our own memoization gem "Memoized"

Henning Koch
February 27, 2019Software engineer at makandra GmbH

We forked trusty memoizer Show snapshot to make two changes:

  1. Memoized methods now preserve their arity Show snapshot . Previously all memoized methods had an arity of -1.
  2. Memoized methods are now faster at runtime. This will only be noticable if you call a memoized methods many times in the same request.
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We published our fork as a new gem named memoized Show snapshot .

memoized is API-compatible to memoizer, you just need to include Memoized instead of Memoizer:

class A
  include Memoized

  memoize def hello
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2019-02-27 08:37)