Unobtrusive jQuery to toggle visibility with selects and checkboxes

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

Use this if you want to show or hide part of a form if certain options are selected or boxes are checked.

The triggering input gets an data-selects-visibility attribute with a selector for the elements to show or hide, like

<%= :advancedness, [['basic', 'basic'], ['advanced', 'advanced'], ['very advanced', 'very_advanced]], {}, :"data-selects-visibility" => ".sub_form" %>

The elements that are shown/hidden look like

<div class="sub_form" data-show-for="basic"> 
  only shown for advancedness = basic 

<div class="sub_form" data-hide-for="basic"> 
  hidden for advancedness = basic

<div class="sub_form" data-show-for="advanced very_advanced">
  shown for advancedness = advanced or very_advanced

For checkboxes you can use the pseudo-value _checked or _unchecked, so

<%= form.check_box :check_box, :"data-selects-visibility" => ".triggered_by_checkbox" %>

<div class="triggered_by_checkbox" data-show-for="_checked">
  only shown when checkbox is checked

For blank values you can use _blank.

Here is the code:

$(function() {
  function selectVisibility() {
    var selector = $($(this).attr('data-selects-visibility'));
    if ($(this).is('input[type="checkbox"]')) {
      if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
        value = '_checked';
      } else {
        value = '_unchecked';
    } else if ($(this).is('input[type=radio]')) {
      var checkedRadioButton = $(this).closest('form').find('input[type="radio"][name="' + $(this).attr('name') + '"]:checked');
      if (checkedRadioButton.length > 0) {
        value = checkedRadioButton.val();
    } else {
      var value = $(this).val();
    if (!value) {
      value = '_blank';
    selector.filter('[data-show-for]:not([data-show-for~="' + value + '"])').hide();
    selector.filter('[data-hide-for~="' + value + '"]').hide();
    selector.filter('[data-hide-for]:not([data-hide-for~="' + value + '"])').show();
    selector.filter('[data-show-for~="' + value + '"]').show();


Tobias Kraze
Last edit
Deleted user #20
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Tobias Kraze to makandra dev (2010-09-02 12:07)