Change Paperclip secrets the hard way

Posted Over 13 years ago. Visible to the public.

So you screwed up and copied Paperclip secrets from one project to another. Here is a semi-automatic, painful way to migrate your existing attachment files to new locations.

You need to follow this step by step, do not just copy the whole thing into the console!

# 1. Get old paths by doing something like this on the console:
old_paths = ModelWithAttachment.all.collect { |m| [, File.dirname(m.image.path(:original)).gsub(/original$/, '') ] if m.image.file? }.compact.uniq

# 2. Now change the Paperclip secret on the console (just paste the new initializer) and once more type:
new_paths = ModelWithAttachment.all.collect { |m| [, File.dirname(m.image.path(:original)).gsub(/original$/, '') ] if m.image.file? }.compact.uniq

# 3. Now turn all absolute paths in the arrays above into relative ones (use search + replace).
#    Usually you want to replace this part of the paths: '/opt/www/'

# 4. Also change the directory in the new_paths array so they are all saved to a separate folder.

# 5. Now paste the following script into the console.
#    Attention, the Gnome terminal likes to eat characters when pasting long scripts!
#    Better copy this file to the user home and require it from there.

old_paths_map = Hash[*old_paths.flatten]
new_paths_map = Hash[*new_paths.flatten]

old_paths_map.each do |id, old_path|
  new_path = File.dirname(new_paths_map[id])
  FileUtils.mkdir_p new_path
  p `cp -R "#{old_path}" "#{new_path}"`

# 6. After the script has run make sure you compare at least the sizes of old and new folders. Better look into the directory structure, too.

# 7. Now you can switch the folders and remove the old one. Also switch your code to the new secret and deploy your new code!
Henning Koch
Last edit
Over 12 years ago
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2010-08-31 16:54)