Reverse lookup a fixture name by its id and table name

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To reverse lookup a fixture by its table name and id, use the following approach on ActiveRecord::FixtureSet:

table = 'users'       # Specify the fixture table name
id = 123122           # Specify the ID to look for

# Find the fixture that matches the given ID
ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.all_loaded_fixtures[table].fixtures.find { |key, value| value['id'] == id }

Result Example:

  "one", # Fixture name
  #<ActiveRecord::Fixture:0x00007e79990234c8>, # ActiveRecord::Fixture object
  @fixture= { ... }, # The raw fixture hash
  @model_class= User(id: integer, ...)> # Associated model class
  • Replace 'users' with the specific table/fixture name you are targeting.
  • Replace 123122 with the desired ID for the lookup.
  • The output includes the fixture key (e.g., "one") and its related metadata.
Felix Eschey
Last edit
Felix Eschey
rails, ruby
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Felix Eschey to makandra dev (2024-12-17 11:19)