How not to turn your application into a spam relay

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Spammers have started abusing other application to send their spam. This works like this:

  • The application has some form that allows to send e-mails to arbitrary users. This can be something like a newsletter sign-up with a double-opt in, a registration confirmation e-mail (or even password reset e-mail), or something similar.
  • The e-mail also includes some reflected text. For example, a user may be able to give their name, and the name is used within the e-mail. The spammer will then abuse that text to include his advertisment.

Potential counter measures are:

  • Add a captcha.
  • Rate limit the sign-up or password-reset.
  • Do not reflect arbitrary text.
Tobias Kraze
Last edit
Tobias Kraze
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Tobias Kraze to makandra dev (2019-01-21 08:14)