RSpec: Increase readability with super_diff

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When handling with nested hashes the RSpec output is often hard to read. Here the gem super_diff could help.

Add super_diff to your project

  1. Add super_diff to your Gemfile:
gem 'super_diff'
  1. Require it in your spec_helper.rb
require 'super_diff/rspec' # For Rails applications you can replace this with 'super_diff/rspec-rails'
  1. Customize Show snapshot colors in spec/support/super_diff.rb
SuperDiff.configure do |config|
  config.actual_color   = :green
  config.expected_color = :red
  config.border_color   = :yellow
  config.header_color   = :yellow
  1. Profit


Imagine you expect General Kenobi to be in level 6

  level_1: {
    level_2: {
      level_3: {
        level_4: {
          level_5: {
            level_6: {
              general_kenobi: 'Hello there!'

but he is actually in level 3.

Then RSpec will output the diff this way:

expected: {:level_1=>{:level_2=>{:level_3=>{:level_4=>{:level_5=>{:level_6=>{:general_kenobi=>"Hello there!"}}}}}}}
     got: {:level_1=>{:level_2=>{:level_3=>{:general_kenobi=>"Hello there!", :level_4=>{:level_5=>{:level_6=>{}}}}}}}
(compared using ==)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-:level_1 => {:level_2=>{:level_3=>{:level_4=>{:level_5=>{:level_6=>{:general_kenobi=>"Hello there!"}}}}}},
+:level_1 => {:level_2=>{:level_3=>{:general_kenobi=>"Hello there!", :level_4=>{:level_5=>{:level_6=>{}}}}}},

With super_diff the same diff will be outputted like this:

Expected { level_1: { level_2: { level_3: { general_kenobi: "Hello there!", level_4: { level_5: { level_6: {} } } } } } }
   to eq { level_1: { level_2: { level_3: { level_4: { level_5: { level_6: { general_kenobi: "Hello there!" } } } } } } }

  level_1: {
    level_2: {
      level_3: {
+      general_kenobi: "Hello there!",
        level_4: {
          level_5: {
            level_6: {
-             general_kenobi: "Hello there!"


  • the output of contain_exactly will omit the specific categories
expected collection contained: [...]
  actual collection contained: [...]
    the missing elements were: [...]
      the extra elements were: [...]
Expected [...] to contain exactly "XXX"
  • ActiveRecord::Base is monkey patched by
    • super_diff/rspec-rails (includes rspec and rails)
    • super_diff/rails (includes active_record and active_support)
    • super_diff/active_record
      This means that you have require them AFTER your environment.
  • Only super_diff/rspec will look awkward in rails applications

More Info

Florian Leinsinger
Last edit
Florian Leinsinger
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Florian Leinsinger to makandra dev (2024-10-21 10:53)