Open Terminator from nautilus context menu

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On our Ubuntu machines we have nautilus file manager with nautilus-extension-gnome-terminal installed. This adds an entry to the context menu (right click) to start a gnome-terminal in the current directory. As I'm mostly using Terminator terminal, I wanted to have a similar context menu entry to launch Terminator directly. I came across this python script Show snapshot that does exactly that.

  • Install python3-nautilus: sudo apt install python3-nautilus
  • Create /usr/share/nautilus-python/extensions/ with content
import os, locale

    from urllib import unquote
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import unquote

from gi import require_version
require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
require_version('Nautilus', '3.0')

from gi.repository import Nautilus, GObject
from gettext import gettext, bindtextdomain, textdomain


class NautilusOpenInTerminal(GObject.GObject, Nautilus.MenuProvider):
	"""Open in terminator"""
	def __init__(self):

	def get_background_items(self, window, file):
		"""Returns the menu items to display when no file/folder is selected
		(i.e. when right-clicking the background)."""

		# Add the menu items
		items = []
		self.window = window
		if file.is_directory() and file.get_uri_scheme() == "file":
			if os.path.exists(TERMINAL_PATH):
				items += [self._create_terminal_item(file)]

		return items

	def _setup_gettext(self):
		"""Initializes gettext to localize strings."""
		try: # prevent a possible exception
			locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
		bindtextdomain("nautilus-open-in-terminal", "/usr/share/locale")

	def _create_terminal_item(self, file):
		"""Creates the 'Open in Terminal' menu item."""
		item = Nautilus.MenuItem(name="NautilusOpenInTerminal::Nautilus",
		                         label=gettext("Open in T_erminator"),
		                         tip=gettext("Open this folder in the Terminator terminal"))
		item.connect("activate", self._terminal_run, file)
		return item

	def _terminal_run(self, menu, file):
		"""'Open in Terminal' menu item callback."""
		filename = unquote(file.get_uri()[7:])
		os.system(TERMINAL_PATH + " &")
  • restart nautilus: nautilus -q
Daniel Straßner
Last edit
Daniel Straßner
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Daniel Straßner to makandra dev (2024-10-14 12:36)