Logging multiple lines in Rails without making filtering your logs difficult

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Rails' default logger prefixes each log entry with timestamp and tags (like request ID).
For multi-line entries, only the first line is prefixed which can give you a hard time when grepping logs.


  Response from example.com:
  Status: 200
  Body: It works!

With that, the following is written to your log file.

I, [2024-10-04T08:12:16.576463 #1917250]  INFO -- : [97e45eae-a220-412d-96ad-e9e148ead71d] Response from example.com:
Status: 200
Body: It works!

If you then run grep 97e45eae-a220-412d-96ad-e9e148ead71d log/production.log, only the first line is printed.

A simple solution

While there are lots of different ways to log (e.g. using specific gems, other log formats, or logging to external services), here is a low-tech solution that works well:

Rails.logger.info('Response from example.com:')
Rails.logger.info('  Status: 200')
Rails.logger.info('  Body: It works!')

Now all lines are prefixed with timestamp and tags:

I, [2024-10-04T08:13:23.193693 #1917250]  INFO -- : [97e45eae-a220-412d-96ad-e9e148ead71d] Response from example.com:
I, [2024-10-04T08:13:23.194007 #1917250]  INFO -- : [97e45eae-a220-412d-96ad-e9e148ead71d]   Status: 200
I, [2024-10-04T08:13:23.194047 #1917250]  INFO -- : [97e45eae-a220-412d-96ad-e9e148ead71d]   Body: It works! 

Improving our simple solution

If you don't want to repeat yourself, or can't control each logged line (e.g. when logging multi-line responses from an API), define a method which does the above for you:

def log(message)
  message.each_line do |line|

You can then call log with your multi-line string and each line will be tagged.

To improve even further, you could easily implement a small custom logger which does the same.

Last edit
Arne Hartherz
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Emanuel to makandra dev (2024-10-04 06:03)