The Framework Field Guide - Fundamentals | Unicorn Utterances

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I used two lab days to read the The framework field guide - Fundamentals Show snapshot , the first of a three part series to learn the basics of frontend technologies. I can highly suggest it for learning the fundamentals. The framework guide is written by Unicron Utterances Show snapshot and there side has many high quality articles on web development and computer science related to programming.

The Framework Field Guide Show snapshot will be three open source books, the first on the fundamentals, the second one on the ecosystem and the last one on the internals of these technologies.

  • The Fundamentals book lays out the basic API's and features of frontend rendering technologies.
  • It compares how the same functionalities are achieved within Vue, Angular and React by building one application.
  • Every code example (live rendered and testable with stackblitz!) is shown for all of the three frameworks. It uses these to demonstrate how the main concepts are similar yet their concrete internal implementation and API differs in certain aspects.
  • The last chapter includes a framework comparison table Show snapshot on the main APIs learnt throughout the book.
Felix Eschey
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Felix Eschey
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Posted by Felix Eschey to makandra dev (2024-07-04 07:37)