Your commit messages should include the ID of the issue your code belongs to.
Our preferred syntax prefixes the issue title with its ID in brackets, e.g. [FOO-123] Avatars for users
Here is how to generate that from an issue in Linear.
Add a new link to your browser's bookmarks bar with the following URL.
javascript:(() => {
if (document.querySelector('[data-view-id="issue-view"]')) {
const [id, ...words] = document.title.split(' ') ;
prompt('Commit message:', `[${id}] ${words.join(' ')}`)
} else {
alert('Open issue view first')
When viewing an issue, you can now click that link to open a browser prompt where you can Ctrl+C your commit message.
Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2024-05-17 13:56)