If you want to system-wide disable the microphone of your external webcam in PulseAudio use the following one-liners:
# Connected cards
$ pactl list short cards
1 alsa_card.pci-0000_00_1f.3 module-alsa-card.c
5 alsa_card.usb-Lenovo_ThinkPad_Thunderbolt_4_Dock_USB_Audio_000000000000-00 module-alsa-card.c
6 alsa_card.usb-HD_Webcam_C270_HD_Webcam_C270-02 module-alsa-card.c
# Disable HD_Webcam_C27
$ pactl list short cards | grep HD_Webcam_C27 | cut -f2 | xargs -rt -I % pactl set-card-profile % off
pactl set-card-profile alsa_card.usb-HD_Webcam_C270_HD_Webcam_C270-02 off
This will prevent all HD_Webcam_C270_HD
webcams from being used as microphone in Google Meet, Teams, Zoom or any other tool.
Posted by Andreas Vöst to makandra dev (2024-03-12 14:58)