Ubuntu: Disable webcam microphone

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If you want to system-wide disable the microphone of your external webcam in PulseAudio use the following one-liners:

# Connected cards
$ pactl list short cards
1       alsa_card.pci-0000_00_1f.3      module-alsa-card.c
5       alsa_card.usb-Lenovo_ThinkPad_Thunderbolt_4_Dock_USB_Audio_000000000000-00      module-alsa-card.c
6       alsa_card.usb-HD_Webcam_C270_HD_Webcam_C270-02  module-alsa-card.c

# Disable  HD_Webcam_C27
$ pactl list short cards | grep HD_Webcam_C27 | cut -f2 | xargs -rt -I % pactl set-card-profile % off
pactl set-card-profile alsa_card.usb-HD_Webcam_C270_HD_Webcam_C270-02 off

This will prevent all HD_Webcam_C270_HD webcams from being used as microphone in Google Meet, Teams, Zoom or any other tool.

Andreas Vöst
Last edit
Andreas Vöst
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Andreas Vöst to makandra dev (2024-03-12 14:58)