Geordi 10.0.0 released

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

10.0.0 2024-03-07

Compatible changes

  • console command: You can now globally disable the IRB multiline feature by setting irb_flags: --nomultiline in ~/.config/geordi/global.yml. All configured irb_flags are automatically passed on to the console IRB.
  • console command: Ctrl + C now properly exits a local Rails console
  • rspec and cucumber commands: Run specs even if the automatic chromedriver update fails
  • Improve detection of IRB version
  • Add new hints to 'Did you know'

Breaking changes

  • dump command: Drop and recreate the database before restoring a postgres dump. This mitigates the problem of database schemas differing between your current local database and the database of the dump. Differing database schemas could lead to errors when running migrations.
  • drop_databases command: The connection to the database is is no longer established using sudo per default. Databases created for local development usually belong to the local user an therefore do not need to be accessed using sudo.
Last edit
Daniel Straßner
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dennis to makandra dev (2024-03-11 07:32)