Be careful when checking scopes for blankness

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Today I stumbled across a pretty harmless-looking query in our application which turned out to be pretty harmful and caused huge memory usage as well as downing our passenger workers by letting requests take up to 60 seconds. We had a method that received a scope and then checked, if the scope parameter was blank? and aborted the method execution in this case.

def foo(scope)
  return if scope.blank?
  # Use scope, e.g.

We then called this method with an all scope: foo(Media::Document::Base.all). Be careful with this. all returns a scope (ActiveRecord::Relation) which looks and is harmless at first because nothing is loaded into memory at that point. However, calling .all.blank? loads all records into memory and then evaluates, if the scope is blank.

What you are searching for is a normal nil check, ActiveRecord::FinderMethods.exists? Show snapshot or its counterpart empty?.

def foo(scope)
  return unless scope
  # Use scope, e.g.
def foo(scope)
  return unless scope&.exists?
  # Use scope, e.g.

This will produce an additional query in the database, but is fast and does not load any records into memory.

Dominic Beger
Last edit
Michael Leimstädtner
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dominic Beger to makandra dev (2024-02-14 13:41)