Unpoly 3.7.1, 3.7.2 and 3.7.3 released

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

Version 3.7.0 Show archive.org snapshot broke some things in complex forms. Sorry for that. Concurrent user input is hard.


This change fixes two regressions for form field watchers, introduced by 3.7.0 Show archive.org snapshot :

  • When a change is detected while waiting for an async callback, prevent the new callback from crashing with Cannot destructure property { disable } of null.
  • When a change is detected while waiting for an async callback, the full debounce delay of that new change is honored.



This change addresses multiple edge cases with concurrent user input during form validations Show archive.org snapshot :

  • It is now possible to queue a validation for a fragment while a validation request for the same target is still loading.
  • Validations no longer throw an error if a targeted fragment is destroyed while a validation request is loading. Instead Unpoly will only update the fragments that are still present on the page (if any).
  • Validations are now aborted if the entire <form> element is aborted Show archive.org snapshot . Previously individual validations were aborted when their target was aborted.
  • up.validate() Show archive.org snapshot now rejects with an up.Aborted error if a debounce delay was aborted (by aborting the <form> element).
  • When a new validation is queued while a previous validation request is still loading, the full debounce delay of the new validation is now honored.

Autosubmit fixes

This change fixes two more regressions for [up-autosubmit] Show archive.org snapshot , introduced by 3.7.0 Show archive.org snapshot :

  • When the user changes a form field while a previous autosubmission is still loading, prevent that new change from being lost.
  • A debounce delay is now aborted if the entire <form> element is aborted. It no longer aborts the delay when the form's target is aborted.

Fragment API


Henning Koch
Last edit
Henning Koch
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2024-01-11 20:51)