Rails: Using custom config files with the config_for method

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You can use the config.x Show archive.org snapshot configuration in combination with config_for to configure global settings for your Rails 4.2+ application.


In your config/application.rb assign the settings from e.g. config/settings.yml as follows:

module FooApplication
  class Application < Rails::Application
    config.x.settings = config_for(:settings)

The config/settings.yml might look as follows:

  email: info@example.com
    container: UA-123456-12

  email: production@example.com    

Keys under the shared namespace are shared between all environments. Environment specific configs will override those shared values. Afterwards you can access these settings with e.g. Rails.application.config.x.settings.google_analytics.fetch(:container) or Rails.configuration.x.settings.google_analytics.fetch(:container) in your application.

Additional notes

  • The config.x is a dedicated namespace and helps you to avoid collisions with config options related to Rails itself.

  • The config.x returns an OrderedOptions Show archive.org snapshot object for the first two levels, but not deeper.

  • This approach might be preferred over global constants like config/constants/settings.rb:

    • It can be used in the Rails Configuration itself and all initializers.
    • It allows to write environment dependent settings.
  • Undefined keys return nil if not present e.g. Rails.application.config.foobar => nil.

  • If you need to ensure the value of key is not blank, use the bang method e.g. Rails.application.config.foobar!. This is recommended for a value that must exist in any case (no blank value).

  • For many other cases it more useful to use #fetch instead of the attribute accessors to ensure you have no typos in your config e.g. Rails.application.config.fetch(:foobar). You might also want to chain the method calls for nested configs e.g. Rails.application.config.fetch(:foobar).fetch(:bar). This approach allows you to have '', true, false and nil in your config.

Last edit
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Posted by Emanuel to makandra dev (2024-01-09 10:07)