Transfer records to restore database entries (with Marshal)

Posted 6 months ago. Visible to the public.

If you ever need to restore exact records from one database to another, Marshal might come in handy.

Marshal.dump is part of the ruby core and available in all ruby versions without the need to install anything. This serializes complete ruby objects including id, object_id and all internal state.

Marshal.load deserializes a string to an object. A deserialized object cannot be saved to database directly as the the dumped object was not marked dirty, thus rails does not see the need to save it, even if the object is not present in the database. This is why I created a new object from the attributes of the deserialized one.

The marshalled string is base64 encoded, otherwise you might run into issues with mismatching encodings of the dumped string and the file encoding.

Below is a use case where I had to export records from a local database, transfer it to a server and import it in the server database.

1. export

def dump_to_file(list)
  content = Base64.encode64(Marshal.dump(list.to_a))
  file_path = File.expand_path('marshalled.dat'), 'w') do |file|
    file.puts content

# usage:
dump_to_file Site.where(user: ...)

2. transfer

scp marshalled.dat myuser@myserver:/tmp/

3. import

def import_from_file
  string ="/tmp/marshalled.dat")
  list = Marshal.load(Base64.decode64(string))
  puts "#{list.length} objects about to import"

def restore_list(unmarshalled) { |obj| restore(obj) }

# An unmarshalled Object is not saved to DB as it's not marked dirty.
# Also `.dup` does not help as this will clear the ID.
def restore(obj)

# usage


When importing objects including ID, the database's private key sequence is not modified and might be incorrect. In this case you should reset the sequence (e.g. ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reset_pk_sequence!('sites'))

Also see

Daniel Straßner
Last edit
3 months ago
Daniel Straßner
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Daniel Straßner to makandra dev (2023-11-23 20:05)