Cucumber: How to find unused step definitions

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Cucumber has an output format that prints step definitions only. You can use this to find unused ones:

  1. Temporarily add require_relative 'env' to the top of the first file in features/support. --dry-run makes Cucumber skip loading env.rb.
  2. Open a really wide terminal window.
  3. bundle exec cucumber --dry-run --format stepdefs | grep -B1 'NOT MATCHED' --no-group-separator | grep features/step_definitions

This will print all unused step definitions from your project – however, the result will include false positives. Steps that are exclusively called from other steps will be in the list. Assure a step is not used before removing it.

If you remove the --dry-run flag, all tests will actually run and you can skip adding the require_relative line. It will take much longer, but provide more accurate results.

Dominik Schöler
Last edit
Dominik Schöler
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2018-11-28 13:55)