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cucumber_factory 1.14 lets you set array fields, has_many associations, numbers without quotes

Henning Koch
October 26, 2018Software engineer at makandra GmbH

Setting array columns

When using PostgreSQL array columns Show snapshot , you can set an array attribute to a value with square brackets:

Given there is a movie with the tags ["comedy", "drama" and "action"]

Setting has_many associations

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You can set has_many associations by referring to multiple named records in square brackets:

Given there is a movie with the title "Sunshine"
And there is a movie with the title "Limitless"
And there is a movie with the title "Salt"
And there is a user with the favorite movies ["Sunshine", "Limitless" and "Salt"]

Setting number attributes without quotes

You no longer need to use quotes for number attributes:

Given there is an invoice with the year 2017 and the total 1234.5

Floating point values with be parsed as BigDecimal.

Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2018-10-26 15:56)