cucumber_factory 1.14 lets you set array fields, has_many associations, numbers without quotes

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Setting array columns

When using PostgreSQL array columns Show snapshot , you can set an array attribute to a value with square brackets:

Given there is a movie with the tags ["comedy", "drama" and "action"]

Setting has_many associations

You can set has_many associations by referring to multiple named records in square brackets:

Given there is a movie with the title "Sunshine"
And there is a movie with the title "Limitless"
And there is a movie with the title "Salt"
And there is a user with the favorite movies ["Sunshine", "Limitless" and "Salt"]

Setting number attributes without quotes

You no longer need to use quotes for number attributes:

Given there is an invoice with the year 2017 and the total 1234.5

Floating point values with be parsed as BigDecimal.

Henning Koch
Last edit
Michael Leimstädtner
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2018-10-26 13:56)