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Ruby's percent notation can do more than strings

Michael Leimstädtner
October 23, 2018Software engineer at makandra GmbH

Percent Notation

We already know that that we can create strings using the percent notation:

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%(<foo="bar's ton">) is perfectly fine Ruby.


But there is more. The curly brackets ({}) are interchangable with most unicode characters (e.g. square brackets[]).
Furthermore, you can add a " modifier Show snapshot " to the percent notation to control the return type of the expression:

%s	Symbol
%i	Array of Symbols
%q	String
%w	Array of Strings
%r	Regular Expression
%x	Backtick (capture subshell result)*


%i[foo bar] 
=> [:foo, :bar]

%q[foo bar] 
=> "foo bar"


To interpolate a dynamic value, swap the modifier with the corresponding uppercase letter:

%I[a list of #{'inter'}polated symbols]
=> [:a, :list, :of, :interpolated, :symbols]

*Please keep in mind that we'd prefer Open3 for shell commands.

Posted by Michael Leimstädtner to makandra dev (2018-10-23 15:03)