How to write a good changelog

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public. Repeats.

We want to keep a changelog for all gems we maintain. There are some good practices Show snapshot for writing a changelog that adds value, please stick to these.

  • Add a notice to the README's contribute section about the changelog
  • For every release update the changelog
  • Note the date format yyyy-mm-tt

What is a changelog?

A changelog is a file which contains a curated, chronologically ordered list of notable changes for each version of a project.

Why keep a changelog?

To make it easier for users and contributors to see precisely what notable changes have been made between each release (or version) of the project.

Who needs a changelog?

People do. Whether consumers or developers, the end users of software are human beings who care about what's in the software. When the software changes, people want to know why and how.


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## Unreleased

- Added `Foo#foo` method.

## 1.0.0 - 2017-06-20

### Breaking changes

- Renamed `Foo` to `Bar`
- Removed `Baz#method`. Please use `Qax#method` instead.

### Compatible changes

- Added new `Bam#foo` method.

## 0.9.0 - 2017-05-20

### Compatible changes

- Improved performance of `Bam`.
Last edit
Henning Koch
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Emanuel to makandra dev (2018-07-31 06:57)