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Rails: Flagging all cookies as secure-only to pass a security audit

Henning Koch
July 04, 2018Software engineer at makandra GmbH

Why secure-only cookies used to be necessary

Cookies Show snapshot have an optional secure flag. It tells the browser to not send the cookie for a non-https request.

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It used to be important to activate the secure flag even on sites that automatically redirect users from http:// to https://. The reason was that most users will only enter a scheme-less domain like into their location bar, which will default to in any browser. Even though the site will immediately redirect to, cookies from a prior visit will already have appeared on the unencrypted wire during the first request to

Why secure-only cookies are no longer necessary

Today, all sites should use https://. They should also set a HSTS header Show snapshot which makes browsers default to https:// instead of http:// when the user enters a scheme-less domain into their browser's URL bar.

For a page that exclusively uses https:// with HSTS, it is not necessary to set the secure flag on your cookies. There is simply no case when the browser would talk to the server via unencrypted http:// requests.

Why you might need secure-only cookies anyway

A security audit will still raise missing "secure" flags as an issue that needs to be fixed.

It's usually easier flag all your cookies as secure-only, than it is to explain why your application does not need secure cookies.

Option 1: ActionDispatch::SSL middleware

You can use the ActionDispatch::SSL middleware Show snapshot to automatically set the secure flag on cookies. This middleware can be enabled by configuring the following in your application.rb.

config.force_ssl = true

If you are using a load balancer then you most likely want to use this in combination with the ActionDispatch::AssumeSSL middleware Show snapshot (Rails >= 7.1).

This middleware makes your app assume that SSL terminates at the load balancer and all requests are arriving via SSL. It changes the redirect and cookie security target to HTTP instead of HTTPS.

config.assume_ssl = true

Option 2: Use a custom middleware to automatically flag all cookies as secure-only

In a Ruby on Rails app you can add a middleware that automatically sets the Secure flag to all server-set cookies. The flag is only added for secure requests, so cookies will still work for local development where you might still use http://.

If you set any cookies from JavaScript, this isn't fixed by the middleware.

Add this to lib/middleware/secure_cookies.rb:

# On HTTPS requests, we flag all cookies sent by the application to be "Secure".
module Middleware
  class SecureCookies

    COOKIE_SEPARATOR = "\n".freeze

    def initialize(app)
      @app = app

    def call(env)
      status, headers, body =

      if headers['Set-Cookie'].present? &&
        cookies = headers['Set-Cookie'].split(COOKIE_SEPARATOR)

        cookies.each do |cookie|
          next if cookie.blank?
          next if cookie =~ /;\s*secure/i

          cookie << '; Secure'

        headers['Set-Cookie'] = cookies.join(COOKIE_SEPARATOR)

      [status, headers, body]


Add this to your Middleware stack in the middle of config/application.rb:

    require 'middleware/secure_cookies'
    config.middleware.insert_after ActionDispatch::Static, Middleware::SecureCookies

Add a test to spec/requests/secure_cookies_spec.rb:

describe Middleware::SecureCookies do

  it 'flags all cookies sent by the application as secure' do
    get ''
    response.headers['Set-Cookie'].should =~ %r(test=\S+; path=/; Secure$)

  it 'will not flag cookies as secure when HTTPS is not being used (in development and tests)' do
    get ''
    response.headers['Set-Cookie'].should include('test=') # Cookie is still set
    response.headers['Set-Cookie'].should_not include('; Secure')


Note that /test/set_cookie must be an existing route that sets a cookie.

Henning Koch
July 04, 2018Software engineer at makandra GmbH
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2018-07-04 10:46)