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Capistrano + Rails: Tagging production deploys

Dominik Schöler
May 16, 2018Software engineer at makandra GmbH

Just like Ruby Gems tag their version releases to the corresponding Git commit, it can be helpful to track production deploys within the commit history. This task does the tagging for you.

Capistrano 3

# lib/capistrano/tasks/deploy.rb
namespace :deploy do

  desc 'Tag the deployed revision'
  task :tag_revision do
    date =

    puts `git tag deploy-#{date} #{fetch :current_revision}`
    puts `git push --tags origin`

# config/deploy/production.rb
after 'deploy:finished', 'deploy:tag_revision'
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Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2018-05-16 16:17)