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Operators "in" and "of" are very inconsistent between CoffeeScript and JavaScript

Henning Koch
May 02, 2018Software engineer at makandra GmbH

CoffeeScript and JavaScript (ECMAScript) both have operators in and of. Each language use them for more than one purpose. There is not a single case where the same operator can be used for the same purpose in both languages.

Check if an object (or its prototype) has a property


var hasFoo = 'foo' of object


var hasFoo = 'foo' in object;

Iterate through all properties of an object


object = { ... }

for key, value of object
  console.log("key %o has value %o", key, value);


var object = { ... };

for (var key in object) {
  var value = x[key];
  console.log("key %o has value %o", key, value); 

Iterate through all values of an array


array = [...]

for entry in array
  console.log("value is %o", entry.value)


var array = [...]

for (var entry of array) {
   console.log("value is %o", value); 

Iterate through all values of an iterator


iterator = ...

while entry = && !entry.done
  console.log("value is %o", entry.value)


var iterator = ...;

for (var value of iterator) {
   console.log("value is %o", value); 
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Henning Koch
May 02, 2018Software engineer at makandra GmbH
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2018-05-02 10:38)