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Capistrano task to tail remote application logs of multiple servers

Arne Hartherz
April 26, 2018Software engineer at makandra GmbH

When your application is running on a multi-server setup, application logs are stored per server (unless you choose a centralized logging solution).
Here is a Capistrano task that connects to all servers and prints logs to your terminal like this:

$ cap production app:logs
00:00 app:logs
      01 tail -n0 -F /var/www/your-application/shared/log/production.log | while read line; do echo "$(hostname): $line"; done
      01 app01-prod: Started GET "/sign_in" for at 2018-04-26 11:28:19 +0200
      01 app01-prod: Processing by Users::SessionsController#new as HTML
      01 app01-prod:   Rendering devise/sessions/new.haml within layouts/signed_out
      01 app01-prod:   Rendered devise/sessions/new.haml within layouts/signed_out (4.8ms)
      01 app01-prod:   Rendered layouts/shared/_head.haml (0.5ms)
      01 app01-prod: Completed 200 OK in 8ms (Views: 6.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
      01 app02-prod: Started GET "/messages/number_of_new" for at 2018-04-26 11:28:20 +0200
      01 app02-prod: Processing by MessagesController#number_of_new as */*
      01 app02-prod:   Rendering text template
      01 app02-prod:   Rendered text template (0.0ms)
      01 app02-prod: Completed 200 OK in 23ms (Views: 1.0ms | ActiveRecord: 7.2ms)
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Store the following task in a file like lib/capistrano/tasks/app.rake.

namespace :app do

  desc 'Tail remote log files'
  task :logs do
    on roles :app do
      logfile = ENV['LOG'] || fetch(:rails_env)
      execute %(tail -n0 -F #{shared_path}/log/#{logfile}.log | while read line; do echo "$(hostname): $line"; done)


If you have some other log file that you want to tail, use the LOG env variable, like LOG=sidekiq cap production app:logs.

Note that Capistrano truncates lines that are longer than your terminal. This can be painful when looking at logs, and we recommend you disable truncation entirely.

Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2018-04-26 11:35)