Enabling view rendering for controller specs

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Views are normally (for good reason) not rendered in controller specs. If you need it to happen, use:

RSpec 1 (Rails 2):

integrate_views Show archive.org snapshot

RSpec 2 (Rails 3):

render_views Show archive.org snapshot

Note that you can't use that inside it blocks but need to put it in the nesting example group, like this:

    describe '#update' do
      context 'when rendering views' do
        it 'should not fail' do
          # This will detect errors that happen during view rendering as well:
          expect { put :update, :id => 23 }.to_not raise_error


Wrap spec examples into their own "rendering" context so you don't render views for other specs that don't need it to happen.

Arne Hartherz
Last edit
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2012-01-19 11:51)