This is for people recovering from Subversion.
Get an existing from the server for the first time
git clone
See what's changed
git status
Check in locally
git commit -m "good description"
Push local commits to the server
git push
Get and merge updates from the server
git pull
Stage a file for the next local commit
git add file
Stage all files for the next local commit
git add .
Create a new local branch and check it out
git checkout -b branchname
Switch to a local branch
git checkout branchname
Switch to the previous branch
git checkout -
Overview of local branches
git branch
Delete a local branch
git branch -d branchname
Insert changes on the server before your local changes
git pull --rebase
Temporarily discard local changes
git stash
Re-apply stashed away changes
git stash apply
Re-apply stashed away changes an delete them from stack
git stash pop
Find out who wrote something
git blame filename
Restore a deleted file (notice the space before and after the double dash)
git checkout -- filename
Posted to makandra dev (2010-08-25 12:06)