Rails: Fixing the memory leak / performance issues in prepend_view_path

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Recently we detected a memory leak in one of our applications. Hunting it down, we found that the memory leak was located in Rails' #prepend_view_path. It occurs when the instance method prepend_view_path is called in each request, which is a common thing in a multi-tenant application.

On top of leaking memory, it also causes a performance hit, since templates rendered using the prepended view path will not be cached and compiled anew on each request.

This is not a new memory leak. It was first reported in in 2014 Show archive.org snapshot . Five years later, Frederick cheung wrote in detail how he chased down this memory leak Show archive.org snapshot . Last year, mudge added some dev improvement Show archive.org snapshot .

We took their solution a little further to prevent the leak at its root. When you include the attached module in your ApplicationController, you can just use #prepend_view_path as before. Note that Rails 7 version differs slightly.

Known affected Rails versions (maybe more): Rails 4.0 - 7.0

This issue is now fixed in main Show archive.org snapshot and might be released in Rails 7.2.

Dominik Schöler
Last edit
Daniel Straßner
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2022-08-04 07:38)