Chrome DevTools: List Registered Event Listeners

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In Chrome DevTools you can use getEventListeners(object) to get a list of registered event listeners on the specified object.

You can also do this without the console, by selecting an element in the DOM inspector. In the element details, select the tab Event Listeners".


const registry = getEventListeners(document)

// 0: { useCapture: false, passive: false, once: false, type: 'up:click', listener: ƒ }
// 1: { useCapture: false, passive: false, once: false, type: 'up:click', listener: ƒ }
// ...
// length: n
Last edit
Henning Koch
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Julian to makandra dev (2022-03-14 10:14)