JavaScript: Working with Query Parameters

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tl;dr: Use the URLSearchParams API to make your live easier if you want to get or manipulate query parameters (URL parameters).

URLSearchParams API

The URLSearchParams API is supported Show snapshot in all major browsers except IE 11.

It offers you a bunch of useful methods:

  • URLSearchParams.append() - appends a query parameter
  • URLSearchParams.delete() - deletes the specified query parameter
  • URLSearchParams.get() - returns the value of the specified query parameter
  • URLSearchParams.has() - checks if specified query parameter exists
  • URLSearchParams.set() - sets the value to the specified query parameter
  • more Show snapshot


const params = new URLSearchParams('foo=bar')

params.append('baz', 'baq')
params.toString() // 'foo=bar&baz=baq'

params.toString() // 'foo=bar'

params.get('foo') // 'bar'
params.has('foo') // true

params.set('foo', 'baz')
params.toString() // 'foo=baz'

Working with URLs

You can also easily use the URLSearchParams API if you have an URL or an URL as string.

const urlString = ''
const url = new URL(urlString)

url.searchParams.get('query') // 'foo'
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Julian to makandra dev (2022-03-03 06:58)