Defensive CSS

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Table Of Contents

  • Flexbox wrapping
  • Spacing
  • Long content
  • Prevent an image from being stretched or compressed
  • Lock scroll chaining
  • CSS variable fallback
  • Using fixed width or height
    • The fixed height
    • The fixed width
  • Forgetting background-repeat
  • Vertical media queries
  • Using justify-content: space-between
  • Text over images
  • Be careful with fixed values in a CSS grid
  • Show a scrollbar only when it's needed
  • Scrollbar gutter
  • Minimum content size in CSS flexbox
  • Minimum content size in CSS grid
  • Auto fit vs auto fill
  • Image maximum width
  • position: sticky css grid
  • Grouping selectors
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Emanuel to makandra dev (2021-12-13 07:19)