Spreewald development steps

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public. Repeats.

Our gem spreewald Show archive.org snapshot supports a few helpers for development. In case you notice errors in your Cucumber tests, you might want to use one of them to better understand the underlying background of the failure. The following content is also part of the spreewald's README Show archive.org snapshot , but is duplicated to this card to allow repeating.

Then console

Pauses test execution and opens an IRB shell with current context. Does not halt the application-under-test.


Given there is a user with the name "Hans Peter"
  And I am signed in as the user above

When I go to the dashboard
  And console
Then I should see "Hans Peter"

AfterStep @slow-motion

Waits 2 seconds after each step


Given there is a user with the name "Hans Peter"
  And I am signed in as the user above

When I go to the dashboard
Then I should see "Hans Peter"

AfterStep @single-step

Waits for a keypress after each step


Given there is a user with the name "Hans Peter"
  And I am signed in as the user above

When I go to the dashboard
Then I should see "Hans Peter"
Last edit
debug, debugging
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Emanuel to makandra dev (2021-08-02 07:33)