Upgrading Capybara with deprecated Integer selectors

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Capybara added a deprecation warning in version 3.35.3 (version from 2019) that shows up if your selector is not of type String or Symbol.


click_link(10) # bad
click_link("10") # good

You might encounter this error e.g. in a pagination step or similar where you want to click on numbers. To figure out where this deprecation warning comes from try to run the tests with a step output.

bundle exec parallel_cucumber --test-options "--format=pretty" feature

The deprecation message looks like following:

Locator Integer:2 for selector :link must be an instance of String or Symbol
Locator Integer:3 for selector :link must be an instance of String or Symbol
Last edit
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Posted by Emanuel to makandra dev (2021-06-08 06:39)